Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blog Post #4

Questions, whether they come from the student or the teacher, help generate class discussion. To be able to effectively ask questions we need to understand what we are asking but be open to different opinions and ideas. In order to be a more effective teacher, you need to master the use of open-ended questions. Doing so will allow the students to think and formulate a better response to the material being covered. To me, using open-ended questions opens up more discussion and opinions among the entire class opposed to just one student answering.  Like Ben Johnson said in his article, The Right Way to Ask Questions in the Classroom, "On a more serious note, as teachers, we need to come to grips with the fact that we really do not know everything, and there is no reason to assume that the students know nothing."


  1. Ms. Lynch
    I enjoyed your statment " a more effective teacher, you need to master the use of open-ended questions." I believe children need to be lead to answers within their own minds. Great work and analyzation.

  2. Remember that every blog post is required to have working links. Please fix this! Also, I think this was quite brief. I think you could have expanded a bit more on your thoughts about what you read and watched.
